Friday, July 06, 2007

Apostle Paul Rejection Letter

Jan and I are here in Atlanta for the Logos Bookstore Association annual general meetings and then a booksellers convention and the Atlanta Gift Show.

More about all that later ...

In the meantime, I ran across this hilarious link which has personal significance for me:

Many years ago I did my master's thesis at Middlebury/Instituto Internacional in Madrid on the Spanish Law of Religious Freedom of 1967 and its effect on non-catholic Spaniards ("La Ley de Libertad Religiosa del 1967 y su efecto sobre los acatolicos EspaƱoles¨). As part of that process I got excited about what I saw in a couple of evangelical churches there and was challenged by some of the folks I met to work among them. I wrote off to a prominent Stateside mission board, offering that I intended to attend Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary (I had attended Gordon College) and then I would be available for training and eventually for the mission field, hopefully in Spain.

I got a letter back saying they were concerned about the fact that it had come to their attention that there were professors who held to a "post-millenarian view of eschatology", and steering me to Columbia Bible College instead.

Ooops ... end of interchange with those folks.

And here I am 33 years later in banking and bookselling in the Bahamas (love that alliteration!).

Must have been a God thing!