Is construction the same just about everywhere? Beyond frustrating?
The comedian Gallagher (the guy who got laughs smashing watermelons all over his audience) used to have a routine about it. He wondered out loud where all the contractors go when 1/2 the job is done.

Didn't Robert Burns say something about the fact that the plans of mice of and men "gang oft aglay"? We had it all planned and laid out ... they'd re-do the balcony, then the railing (I was blown through it 15' to the ground getting ready for Hurricane Frances last Sept.), then we'd replace all the windows, do the platform at the top of the stairwell, etc., etc.
Something happened to all the thens ...
This got pushed back. That got delayed. We traveled. A wrecked shipment of glass. One thing and another and I came home one day at lunchtime and there were 5 trucks out front!!! Everyone at once. All on top of each other.

So now it's all happening simultaneously. Slowly. Two or three "hurricane-proof" windows a day ( A section or two of railing a week. Masons. Pneumatic drills. Noise. Dust. Drapes and sheets on whatever we can protect. NO PEACE.
The hilarious thing is the parrots. Reba MacLectus (the redhead, in case someone was wondering) has learned to imitate an electric drill biting its way into concrete. Ear-splitting! I hope she forgets it soon and returns to "hello" in 3 dozen different inflections and the occasional "pretty, pretty, pretty". Her "younger brother" Milo [short for Milagro ... that's another story] sometimes makes an attempt, but mostly just squawks.
So ... Pray for Peace. In the world. But especially around here!
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