Wiley's Jossey-Bass imprint has some fantastically intriguing titles in their list of Religion titles.
I'm looking forward to getting my mind around
The Christian Wisdom of the Jedi Masters for example.

Interesting story ... I seldom wear slogan-oriented t-shirts, but I have a promotional one the folks at Jossey-Bass kindly handed out at a recent booksellers convention. I was wearing it - un-self-consciously - in the Mall at Millenia in Orlando at the Cingular Store. A British tourist and his family who were browsing exited the store with a breezy "May the Force be with you, Brother." It took me a couple minutes to figure out why. If my wife hadn't been with me, I might be scratching my head yet!
In the meantime, I'm deep into this third in the "New Kind of Christian" trilogy by Brian McLaren. I'm not always convinced by the theology / doctrine he seems to be espousing - though you can't always tell what his
personal position is.
I supposed that's part of the genius of McLaren's writing.
That and the fact that
anyone who can make a discussion of the theology of hell interesting deserves a read.
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